Posts on street names are ordered by street name without leading directional designation. That is to say, E Interlaken Boulevard sorts under I as if it were Interlaken Boulevard, not under E, and W Ruffner Street sorts under R as if it were Ruffner Street, not under W.
All other posts appear at the beginning of the index, and are ordered as in a traditional index, i.e., by the first letter of the post title unless it’s a or the.
- “Dzidzilalich” to be honorary name for Elliott Way, Alaskan Way
- “Elliott Way” just a placeholder name
- Friends of Street Ends celebrates 30th anniversary Saturday, September 30, 2023
- Klallam-language names on Port Angeles street signs
- My most well-worn streets
- Native names abide
- Rob Ketcherside’s Seattle street renaming tables
- Seattle’s first streets
- Should Seattle rename its streets?
- The signs of my times
- This blog featured on Feliks Banel’s live radio show “Cascade of History”
- Thomas Burke’s speech on the “Chinese question” and the rule of law
- S Addition Street
- Airport Way S
- Alaskan Way
- Albert Place W
- Alder Street
- Alki Avenue SW
- Aloha Street
- Alonzo Avenue NW
- Alpine Way NW
- NE Ambleside Road
- S Americus Street
- S Angeline Street
- S Angelo Street
- Ann Arbor Avenue NE
- Anthony Place S
- Arapahoe Place W
- Arboretum Drive E
- W Armory Way
- W Armour Street
- Ashworth Avenue N
- S Atlantic Street
- Aurora Avenue N
- Bagley Avenue N
- Bainbridge Place SW
- Ballard Avenue NW
- E Barbara Bailey Way
- SW Bataan Street
- Bay Street
- Bay Terrace Road
- Beach Drive SW
- Bell Street
- NE Belvoir Place
- Benton Place SW
- Bernie Whitebear Way
- W Bertona Street
- Bigelow Avenue N
- Birch Avenue N
- Bishop Place W
- Bitter Place N
- Blaine Street
- Blake Place SW
- Blanchard Street
- W Blewett Way
- NW Blue Ridge Drive
- NE Boat Street
- Borealis Avenue
- Boren Avenue
- W Bothwell Street
- Boyd Place SW
- Boyer Avenue E
- W Briarcliff Lane
- Bridge Way N
- Broadmoor Drive E
- NE Brockman Place
- SW Bronson Way
- Brooklyn Avenue NE
- Brygger Drive W
- NW Brygger Place
- Burke Avenue N
- S Byron Street
- California Avenue SW
- SW Campbell Place
- NE Campus Parkway
- N Canal Street
- Candy Cane Lane
- NW Canoe Place
- Canterbury Lane E
- Canton Alley S
- NW Carkeek Park Road
- S Carstens Place
- Cecil Avenue S
- S Charles Street
- Cheasty Boulevard S
- Chelan Avenue SW
- Cherry Street
- Chilberg Avenue SW
- Chris Curtis Way
- SW City View Street
- Clarmar Place SW
- Cleopatra Place NW
- Clise Place W
- N Clogston Way
- College Way N
- Colorado Avenue S
- W Commodore Way
- Coniston Road NE
- Conkling Place W
- E Conover Court
- Constance Drive W
- Convention Place
- S Corgiat Drive
- Corliss Avenue N
- Covello Drive S
- Cowen Place NE
- Cremona Street
- E Crescent Drive
- Crestmont Place W
- NW Culbertson Drive
- S Dakota Street
- Dartmouth Avenue W
- S Dean Court
- S Delappe Place
- Delridge Way SW
- E Denny Blaine Place
- Denny Way
- Densmore Avenue N
- Dexter Avenue N
- Diagonal Avenue S
- Dibble Avenue NW
- Dilling Way
- Discovery Park Boulevard
- Division Avenue NW
- Dorffel Drive E
- S Dose Terrace
- Dravus Street
- Duwamish Avenue S
- Dzidzilalich
- Eagle Street
- Eastern Avenue N
- Eastlake Avenue E
- Eastlake Place NE
- Eastmont Way W
- Edgar Martinez Drive S
- NW Elford Drive
- NE Elk Place
- Ellinor Drive W
- Elliott Avenue
- Elliott Way
- Elm Place SW
- Erickson Place NE
- Erie Avenue
- NW Esplanade
- Etruria Street
- Expedia Group Way W
- S Fairbanks Street
- Fairview Avenue N
- Fairview Place N
- Fauntlee Crest SW
- Fauntleroy Way SW
- S Ferdinand Street
- Ferry Avenue SW
- S Fidalgo Street
- Fir Street
- Fischer Place NE
- E Florence Court
- Florentia Street
- SW Florida Street
- S Fontanelle Street
- E Ford Place
- W Fort Street
- E Foster Island Road
- Frater Avenue SW
- Frazier Place NW
- Fremont Avenue N
- Frink Place S
- S Front Street
- Fuhrman Avenue E
- S Hanford Street
- Haraden Place S
- Harbor Avenue SW
- Heights Avenue SW
- Heights Place SW
- S Henderson Street
- High Point Drive SW
- Hillside Drive E
- S Holgate Street
- Holman Road NW
- S Horton Street
- Howell Place
- Howell Street
- Hubbell Place
- S Hudson Street
- Hunter Boulevard S
- E Huron Street
- S Jackson Street
- James Street
- W Jameson Street
- E Jansen Court
- John Street
- Joliet Avenue W
- S Judkins Street
- Keen Way N
- NE Kelden Place
- S Kenny Street
- NE Keswick Drive
- S King Street
- W Kinnear Place
- Klickitat Avenue SW
- Knox Place E
- Lake Dell Avenue
- Lake Park Drive S
- Lake Shore Boulevard NE
- Lake Shore Drive S
- Lakeside Avenue
- Lakeview Boulevard E
- S Lander Street
- S Lane Street
- Lanham Place SW
- NE Latimer Place
- Latona Avenue NE
- W Laurelhurst Drive NE
- W Lawton Street
- Lawtonwood Road
- Leary Avenue NW
- Lenny Wilkens Way
- Lenora Street
- Leroy Place S
- Lewis Place SW
- Lincoln Park Way SW
- NW Locks Place
- Lorentz Place N
- E Louisa Street
- Loyal Avenue NW
- N Lucas Place
- Madison Street
- Madrona Drive
- Marginal Place SW
- E Marginal Way S
- W Marginal Way SW
- SW Marguerite Court
- W Marina Place
- Marine Avenue SW
- Marion Street
- Mary Avenue NW
- Mary Gates Memorial Drive NE
- SW Maryland Place
- S Massachusetts Street
- Matthews Avenue NE
- Mayes Court S
- Mayfair Avenue N
- Maynard Alley S
- Maynard Avenue S
- W McCord Place
- McGilvra Boulevard E
- McGraw Street
- W McLaren Street
- Mercer Street
- Meridian Avenue N
- Military Road S
- Minor Avenue
- Mithun Place NE
- Montana Circle
- Montlake Boulevard E
- Montvale Court W
- Montvale Place W
- Mount Adams Place S
- S Mount Baker Boulevard
- Mount Rainier Drive S
- Mount St. Helens Place S
- Mountain Drive W
- Mountain View Drive S
- NE Naomi Place
- S Nevada Street
- Newton Street
- Nickerson Street
- Nicklas Place NE
- SW Niesz Court
- NE NOAA Drive
- S Norman Street
- NW North Beach Drive
- E North Street
- NE Northgate Way
- NE Northlake Way
- Northrop Place SW
- Oberlin Avenue NE
- Occidental Avenue S
- Ohio Avenue S
- E Olin Place
- Olive Way
- Orange Place N
- S Orcas Street
- S Oregon Street
- NE Pacific Street
- Padilla Place S
- Paisley Drive NE
- Par Place NE
- E Park Drive E
- W Park Drive E
- NE Park Road
- Park Road NE
- Patten Place W
- S Pearl Street
- Pend Oreille Road NE
- NE Penrith Road
- Perkins Lane W
- Phinney Avenue N
- Piedmont Place W
- Pike Street
- Pinehurst Way NE
- W Pleasant Place
- S Plummer Street
- Point Place SW
- Pontius Avenue N
- Portage Bay Place E
- Post Avenue
- Prefontaine Place S
- Princeton Avenue NE
- Prosch Avenue W
- Puget Boulevard SW
- Pullman Avenue NE
- Purdue Avenue NE
- NE Radford Drive
- Railroad Avenue NE
- Rainier Avenue S
- Red Avenue E
- E Remington Court
- Renton Avenue S
- Republican Street
- Ridge Drive NE
- Ridgemont Way N
- S River Street
- S Riverside Drive
- Riviera Place NE
- Rob Mattson Way
- S Roberto Maestas Festival Street
- Roethke Mews
- S Ronald Drive
- Roosevelt Way NE
- S Royal Brougham Way
- W Ruffner Street
- Rutan Place SW
- Schmitz Boulevard
- Seattle Boulevard S
- Seattle Storm Way
- SW Seattle Street
- W Semple Street
- Seola Beach Drive SW
- Seward Park Road
- Sherman Road NW
- Shilshole Avenue NW
- E Shore Drive
- Shoreline Park Drive NW
- Short Place S
- NW Sloop Place
- sluʔwiɫ
- Smith Street
- Sound View Terrace W
- S Southern Street
- S Spokane Street
- Spring Street
- E Spruce Street
- S Stacy Street
- Stadium Place S
- Stanford Avenue NE
- Stewart Street
- Stone Way N
- Stroud Avenue N
- Sturgus Avenue S
- Sturtevant Avenue S
- Sue Bird Court N
- Sunset Avenue SW
- E Superior Street
- Surber Drive NE
- Swanson’s Alley
- Tallman Avenue NW
- SW Teig Place
- Terrace Street
- Terry Avenue
- Texas Way
- Thackeray Place NE
- Thorndyke Avenue W
- NE Thornton Place
- W Tilden Street
- Tillicum Road SW
- Tower Place
- Troll Avenue N
- NE Tulane Place
- Turner Way E
- Twin Maple Lane NE
- Union Bay Place NE
- University Circle NE
- University Street
- University View Place NE
- University Way NE
- S Upland Road
- Upland Terrace S
- Utah Avenue S
- Valdez Avenue S
- Van Buren Avenue W
- Vashon Place SW
- Vashon View SW
- Vassar Avenue NE
- S Vern Court
- Victory Lane NE
- View Avenue NW
- W View Place
- Viewmont Way W
- Virginia Street
- Vista Avenue S
- Wallingford Avenue N
- Ward Place
- Ward Street
- S Washington Street
- Webster Point Road NE
- Weedin Place NE
- S Weller Street
- Wellesley Way NE
- Western Avenue
- Westlake Avenue
- Westmont Way W
- Wetmore Avenue S
- Whitney Place NW
- Wickstrom Place SW
- SW Wilton Court
- NE Windermere Road
- Woodside Place SW